by admin | Jun 19, 2017 | Embodiment, Emotions, Freedom, Gratitude, inspiration, Trauma, Trust
It probably all started in elementary school. I imagine I was sitting there, an innocent, naive, sweet 3rd grader, when someone laughed at my clothes and said they were from K-Mart. “Yes, they are! How did you know?” I proudly acknowledged. I had no idea...
by admin | May 3, 2017 | Abundance, Angola, Capitalism, Gifts
Sometimes in Angola, additional payments are helpful for facilitating certain bureaucratic procedures. The other day, as we entered the province where the farm is, an immigration official needed to register my presence. It was no big deal, took less than 5 minutes,...
by admin | Apr 4, 2017 | Angola, Gratitude, inspiration, Perfectionism, Trust
I have come to realize that the need to control outcomes is a symptom of fear. Fear is obviously a lack of trust. If I trust that all will be fine, I don’t have fear and I don’t feel a need to control the outcome. As I realize this, I realize how often...
by admin | Apr 9, 2016 | Gratitude, Trust
I have long heard (and believed) that a regular practice of gratitude is a good thing. It makes a lot of sense – in my head. First, there is the whole idea of where you put your energy tends to make that thing bigger. So, if I put my energy on negative things...
by admin | Apr 7, 2016 | learning, Trust
I read a lot of self-help books, spiritual books, new agey idea books. More recently I have started listening to podcasts that reflect my interests, reinforce my belief systems, or present me with new ideas that deepen my current beliefs. I’m constantly coming...
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