by admin | Jun 14, 2018 | Angola, Gifts, Indigenous Beliefs, Permaculture
One feature and legacy of colonization is objectification of everything: humans, land, animals, trees, air, etc. They all are seen by the colonizer as objects or “resources” to be capitalized. These are all inanimate objects put on Earth for the colonizer to exploit....
by admin | Jun 19, 2017 | Embodiment, Emotions, Freedom, Gratitude, inspiration, Trauma, Trust
It probably all started in elementary school. I imagine I was sitting there, an innocent, naive, sweet 3rd grader, when someone laughed at my clothes and said they were from K-Mart. “Yes, they are! How did you know?” I proudly acknowledged. I had no idea...
by admin | May 4, 2017 | Angola, Capitalism, Commodification, Emotions, Gratitude, inspiration, Uncategorized
Since I made the decision to move to Angola, I have encountered a variety of reactions. Some people have looked at me like I’m completely crazy. Usually those people respond with an, “Angola??? Have you been there before?” Or admiration,...
by admin | May 3, 2017 | Abundance, Angola, Capitalism, Gifts
Sometimes in Angola, additional payments are helpful for facilitating certain bureaucratic procedures. The other day, as we entered the province where the farm is, an immigration official needed to register my presence. It was no big deal, took less than 5 minutes,...
by admin | Apr 29, 2017 | Angola, Emotions, Farming, learning, Questioning
The first few days we were on the farm, I noticed several conflicts. The details aren’t important, but mainly they were between various workers on the farm. I started thinking about my vision of us creating this beautiful sustainable intentional community with...
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