Scrumptious Movement
Sometimes you are hungry, so you grab a quick bite to eat, like an average peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It tastes fine, it’s relatively nutritious, and it quickly quells your hunger so that you can move on to the next pressing activity. But its kind of boring.
Sometimes, you take time to prepare an amazing feast with slow-roasted herbs, a sauce drizzled over the vegetables with subtle flavors intermingling. You savor the aromas, the textures, the presentation, and of course all the flavors – ideally in the presence of delightful company. There is no rush. Just scrumptious food and pure pleasure.
PB&J is to scrumptious food, what using a step counter or going to the gym is to Scrumptious Movement.
There is nothing “bad” about using a step counter or going to the gym. They are just not scrumptious. In Scrumptious Movement, we move just to feel the pleasure and delight of living in a human body that moves. (This video will give you an idea what that might look like.)
We are not burning calories. We are not isolating particular muscle groups. We are not trying to achieve a goal. We are not trying to achieve some ideal body shape.
We are celebrating what our body is capable of doing. We are relearning to go outside and play. We are marveling at this incredible miracle of a human body. We delight in the sensations and pleasures of our bodies.
We don’t see the body as a machine that must be exercised. We embrace the beauty and integration of our entire beingness.
I can’t speak for you, but a long time ago, long before I learned that my body was “bad” (the wrong size, the wrong texture, too much, too little, moves at the wrong times, moves in the wrong ways), back when having a body was a pretty new thing to me (like I had only been in my body for a few years), I was so curious about my body. I was enamored with her and her relationship to the world. I went outside and explored. I tried new things. I ran. I jumped. I crawled. I rolled. I climbed. I danced. I ran backward. Sometimes I fell. And then I danced again. I experimented. I noticed what other people were doing, I tried doing what they were doing. I noticed what brought me pleasure. I did more of it. I stopped doing things that didn’t bring me pleasure. Through this process, my movements became more fluid.

I don’t remember a precise moment. But at some point, movement became a task. It became a thing I ticked off my to-do list. Somewhere between do my homework and take a shower, “go exercise.” was on my task list. “Make sure you maintain this machine in good working condition. You want “it” to last a while. After all, your brain depends on this machine.” That doesn’t sound scrumptious at all.
Let’s go outside and relearn to enjoy movement for the sake of movement pleasure. Scrumptious Movement.
Or if you prefer to try Scrumptious Movement from the comfort of your own home, check out this playlist of Scrumptious Movement videos.
Practical details:
When and Where:
- Saturday, July 23rd at 10 am as part of DTSB’s Outdoor Fitness on the Gridiron in Downtown South Ben.
I am currently offering Scrumptious Movement once a month on different days and at different locations. If you have a group that could use some Scrumptious Movement, get in touch!
Or anytime, anywhere! Watch these videos and move scrumptiously anytime!
Who: You, me, every body. Regardless of any difference in ability that may have limited your participation in other movement activities in the past, let’s just explore what this body is capable of and what brings you joy. There are always alternatives and options. No registration. Just show up. Or don’t.
What to expect: I’ll guide you through a variety of movements that are probably not a part of your everyday life (scrumptious movements, versus PB & J type movements). You can watch this video to get an idea of what it may look like. I’ll also prompt you often with activities and reminders that invite you to hear your own inner guidance, listen with curiosity, explore, and make it your own practice. While I will be offering ideas of movements to explore, it’s all completely invitational, consensual, and respecting your bodily autonomy. No shame, or coercion. In fact, if a movement doesn’t appeal to you, or a different movement appeals to you more, I encourage you to channel your inner 5-year-old and do what you want. You can yell, “You aren’t the boss of me”, roll your eyes, or just do whatever the heck you want. No peer pressure or competition.
What to bring: Dress for the weather. I’m planning to do this regardless of the weather unless there are thunder storms. We will be doing some ground movements, so bring clothes that you feel comfortable touching the ground, or bring a blanket/tarp/cloth or something that you feel comfortable putting between you and the ground, or be prepared to say, “Ground movements are not scrumptious to me right now.” Obviously, wear clothes that you can move freely in. You can wear whatever shoes are comfortable for you, but I personally love playing in the grass or on a playground barefoot or in minimal shoes.
Bring water if you like.
Cost: The pleasure of movement can not be commodified. Move for the joy of movement. It is not a capitalistic exchange. Your presence, and if you feel so inclined, your feedback will be a huge gift to me!
Inspired by: 5-year-olds, dancing, Movnat, Feldenkrais (Embodiment Matters), Sonya Renee Taylor, adrienne maree brown, Nutritious Movement, trees, mole tunnels, the Earth, and amazingly beautiful people everywhere.

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