How would it feel if every day you woke up knowing today would be deeply meaningful?
Imagine if every day you knew that you were doing work that matters. Or at least most days. Your schedule is full of activities that are meaningful to you – even if “full of activities” means spending time in the garden, meditating, or going for a walk. Imagine going to sleep every night feeling fulfilled and that you lived that day in alignment with your values.
But right now you feel trapped. You have a job that keeps a roof over your head and food on the table. You can’t just quit it or you would starve. And what about health insurance? And saving for retirement? The work doesn’t thrill you, but its not THAT bad. Or maybe it is THAT bad, but you are living paycheck to paycheck and can’t imagine another way. You sit in meetings and look around the room and wonder how many of the people in the room actually believe that what you are discussing is important. You know that in the greater scheme of things, none of this matters at all. Or at least very little.
Maybe you have tried manifesting abundance and positive thinking. You probably meditate and find that it brings you a sense of peace. But although these practices all feel nice and make you more calm, you still feel trapped. You are tired of being told to follow your bliss. You know that life has joy and pain too. Sometimes you want to tell them what do with their GD bliss.
True Confessions! I worked on US government defense contracts!
I used to walk into work on Monday mornings with a pit in my stomach. I had a stable, well-paying job. But I was working for a contractor to the US government defense department and it didn’t feel aligned with my values – at all. I then went from job to job, and country to country, looking for something that could pay the bills and be in alignment with my values. I found jobs that aligned and simultaneously clashed with my values in a variety of ways. Finally I realized that the deck is stacked against me. The entire economic system is set up to put profits before relationships. I could keep looking for a “job” that aligned with my values and never find it. Or I could challenge the system, while doing work that feels meaningful to me. It was a scary and lonely journey for me. I often wondered if I was crazy. I did lots and lots of yoga. I kept looking for my bliss while challenging systemic oppression. Now I embrace my joy, pain, anger, fear – all of it. Knowing that they all make up the beauty and complexity of life.
That’s why I started coaching. I want others to know they are not alone. There is no reason to feel ashamed about not finding meaning in a meaningless system. I’ll give you space and have your back as you explore what is meaningful for you and take small comfortable (or slightly uncomfortable but exciting) steps towards a life more in alignment with your values. I’ll invite you to be present to the richness and beauty of all of the human experience. And smash the patriarchy while you are at it.
Twice monthly sessions include:
- Compassionate space for giving voice to countercultural ideas, your “unrealistic dreams”
- An anti-oppression lens where we identify the root origin of any self-critical thoughts (and possibly that root is in systemic oppression)
- Healing centered space where all our parts are welcomed and honored – even the sad, angry, hurt and scared parts.
- Invitations and practices that invite you to make conscious what your body already knows.
- That feeling of holding a hot cup of fragrant tea in your hands – knowing that you are warm and cared for.
- An invitation to take brave steps towards your ideal life.
In accompanying you towards our collective liberation, we will meet in a compassionate space to explore your feelings, emotion, thoughts, and dreams. You will receive support from someone who also hangs around the fringes of society, a co-conspirator in transforming oppressive and destructive systems. Together we will explore the roots of the challenges that have been holding you back. I will compassionately check-in with you on the changes you decide to make as you steer your life towards deeper meaning.
Just like an athletic coach doesn’t expect you to go from the couch to a marathon in a week, you set the pace of the coaching. You identify the next step that feels right for you – I can’t tell you what that is. There is absolutely no pressure to quit your job, move to another country or take any other drastic step. Even choosing to take 5 minutes a day to slow down can be a radical act. I’ll be right behind you every step of the way, supporting and encouraging you to create whatever change feels right for you, no matter how big or small.
Radical Life Coaching may be a good fit for you if:
- You feel trapped in your current career, or maybe your whole life.
- You have gifts inside that are bursting for space for creative expression.
- You often feel like an outsider.
- You want a little support with time management, but would actually rather smash the whole patriarchal idea of linear time.
- You want to develop a deeper connection to the wisdom in your body and the Earth.
I would be honored to accompany you on this journey! Schedule a free introductory no-obligation session. In this session, we will discuss what you are looking for, what I offer and see if there is a good match to continue coaching. This is deep work. If we decide to work together, I typically recommend roughly one hour, twice/month sessions for a minimum of three months with unlimited emails and texts between sessions. I offer personal radical life coaching on a monthly subscription model. To make sure that finances do not deter anyone, I offer packages on a sliding scale.
During our journey together, we will start by identifying your current situation, your ideal situation and what has prevented you from getting to your ideal situation previously. I’ll invite you to make friends with the internal barriers that have stopped you from achieving your dreams before, or smash the external barriers that are standing in your way. Together we will decide on some actionable steps to take between our sessions that will move you towards a life in alignment with your values. These may be more specific steps like calling a former colleague, or more reflective activities, like journaling, or embodiment practices, like taking dance breaks. After each session, you will get a summary of our discussion. In this video, I give more details of the roadmap for change that I use with my clients.
Not ready to schedule a session? Check out my FAQs or get in touch and let us talk!
“If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time.
But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”
-Lilla Watson
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