Showing all blog posts in the category: Trust
Airport Security and Immigration

Airport Security and Immigration

Going through immigration, airport security or anyplace else with officials in uniforms makes me nervous. The last time I flew out of Windhoek, I had an issue with customs that was very scary for me. For the last few weeks before I flew out of Windhoek again, every...



I have come to realize that the need to control outcomes is a symptom of fear.  Fear is obviously a lack of trust.  If I trust that all will be fine, I don't have fear and I don't feel a need to control the outcome.  As I realize this, I realize how often I try to...



I have long heard (and believed) that a regular practice of gratitude is a good thing.  It makes a lot of sense - in my head.  First, there is the whole idea of where you put your energy tends to make that thing bigger.  So, if I put my energy on negative things in my...

Nuggets of Wisdom

Nuggets of Wisdom

I read a lot of self-help books, spiritual books, new agey idea books.  More recently I have started listening to podcasts that reflect my interests, reinforce my belief systems, or present me with new ideas that deepen my current beliefs.  I'm constantly coming...



I suppose it was only a matter of time before I wrote a blog about capitalism.  While I know its currently nearly impossible to "step out of the capitalist" system, as many of us dream, I'm excited for this opportunity to at least dance around the edges.  I'm excited...



A couple of weeks ago, I submitted my resignation!  My last day will be in June, but I wanted to do it now so that I wouldn't have to bite my tongue anymore.  It's all part of living authentically.  For several months now, I have felt very confident that this is the...

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