I stopped practicing yoga. Yoga had been a mainstay of my life for nearly 20 years. Its been hard to articulate why I stopped practicing yoga without people questioning my choice, or thinking that I’m judging their choice. I decided to write about it. Sometimes I...
Lessons about authenticity from a 7th Grade Sleepover
The scene is a 7th-grade girls' sleepover, circa 1985. We stay up all night giggling and playing games of interest to 13-year-old girls. One game was hypnotizing each other. One girl would lie down while another one would swing a pendant on a chain back and forth...
How little I know…
The events in Charlottesville, VA in August broke me open in a way I never expected. I've always seen my life as a journey of learning. Every challenge I've encountered has prompted reflection and learning. I like to think that all these learning experiences allow...
The Secret Manual
I felt like everyone else had a secret manual. At least the cool kids definitely had access to the manual. I know I didn't. But I looked and listened and picked up clues as to what was in the manual. There were lots of rules regarding what to wear, what not to...
Allowing to be cracked open
If you throw a peanut in the shell to a chicken, it will eat the shell whole, because it knows that it may get stolen if it doesn't hurry. If you throw a peanut in a shell to a guinea hen, it will try to crack it open, and but probably get the peanut stolen by a...
First day on the Farm!
After spending a few days in Luanda, we finally drove out to Uige yesterday and to the farm today! It was so exciting to get our hands in the dirt literally and feel like we were doing what I came here to do. So far, my general answer to anyone asking about what we...
I have come to realize that the need to control outcomes is a symptom of fear. Fear is obviously a lack of trust. If I trust that all will be fine, I don't have fear and I don't feel a need to control the outcome. As I realize this, I realize how often I try to...
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I send out a newsletter once or twice a month with my latest reflections on life (thoughts on living a life outside of the mainstream idea of "normal"), information on my latest offerings, and usually some beautiful photos to compensate for the intensity of everything else! Your email address will not be used for any other purpose. You can always use the unsubscribe link included in the newsletter.